Sunday, May 5, 2013

day 5: Dear Steve

Today I'm supposed to publicly profess my love for someone. Well, that's a no brainer. ;)

I LOVE MY HUSBAND! There. Making it legit on the blogosphere.

{aw, our first high school dance. 2003.}


Ah, where do I even begin? Those who know Steve well will find it no surprise that he's caring, thoughtful and sensitive. He has a heart of gold and is as sweet as pie. I haven't met a person who does NOT like Steve.

I'll do my best to bring to light the things I love most about Steve.

::I love his sense of humor. It's a nice combination of dry and silly with a touch of sarcasm. Out of no where, he'll crack a joke or make a witty remark. Oh! And that laugh. Who wouldn't love his laugh? It's difficult to explain, but I'll do my best. Now, I'm talking about a full on 'going into hysterics' laugh. It's not very audible initially because he's trying to catch his breath and his shoulders are literally bouncing up and down. That's the first part of the laugh. After he catches his breath, high pitched loud bursts of cackling follow. The cycle is repeated until composure is regained. It's very contagious. You can't help but laugh with him!

{having fun on a cruise}

::He's super caring and puts others needs above his own. He really spoils me you know. I can sense some eyes rolling right now in agreement. For example, I haven't worked full time since our first year of marriage. I brought home the bacon while he finished his degree in engineering. After that, he's taken over as bread winner just fine. And I'm more than okay with that ;). No but seriously, I appreciate it hon. Thank you for working so hard and providing for us!

::The man irons. Need I say more?

::He's super smart. Most ladies would agree with me...that's sexy. I can't help but swoon when he begins a conversation by saying, "according to my calculations..."

::He makes an impressive omelet. What is it with men and their mad breakfast cooking skills? He once attempted to show me how to make dippy eggs{eggs over easy for you non-Lancaster county folk}. I think I'll stick with making scrambled.

::We've been through some hard times, and I love how I can always lean on his constant love and support. Whether it's to simply hold my hand when I'm upset, or listen to me ramble on about my fears and worries through tears, he's always there.

::He looks absolutely adorable when he grows out his beard. Unfortunately, he thinks it itchy and annoying so that didn't last long. Wah. :(

::I love that he's all mine. I'm truly blessed. I know it's cliche but being married to your best friend rocks! I'm so in love with this man!

So there, it's official. :)

{Tomorrow: 'what do I do?' Good question.}


  1. Love the coffee picture!!! Hilarious. You kids were babies back then!

  2. I love you too Steve ! I don't say it much but I do and I really love your laugh too :)

  3. Oh my word...when you were describing his laugh, I was literally laughing out loud because I could visualize it exactly as you said :) And that 1st you guys were young! OH, the memories...Love you both!
