Monday, August 18, 2014

Sydney at two weeks

Today's doctor appointment went very well! Sydney gained 10 ounces since last Mondays appointment! She is now well past her birth weight at 5 lbs 12 oz. This makes mommy very happy! She is nursing very well and since she's gained so much weight we no longer have to pump and supplement with a bottle. We also can extend night feedings to every four hours instead of three. :) Score! Hopefully more sleep for this mama. Her jaundice continues to improve. It's such a relief that she is doing so well. All that hard work and feeding her constantly has paid off! She is even growing out of her preemie outfits. Sydney has also discovered her thumb, although I think at this point it's accidental and she doesn't quite have the thumb sucking thing down. Time will tell.

I can't believe how much progress she's made in two short weeks. These tiny humans are amazing! She definitely still loves to sleep the majority of the time, unless she is feeding - although sometimes I struggle to keep her awake even then! I've also noticed she's more active at night so I'm going to try to keep her awake during the day more, which should be easier now that I don't have to nap as much either. 

She makes the funniest facial expressions! It's so fun to watch her little lips pucker or her forehead wrinkle up. She just melts our hearts. 

Holly xoxo