Wednesday, May 29, 2013

day 29: five songs

Today I share with you five songs that I love. I have many favorites, so this was tough. But, here's a little taste of what I'm listening to right now.

Never Once by Matt Redman. I can't help by turn into a blubbering mess whenever we sing this at church or I hear it playing. I first heard this song soon after my miscarriage. The words pierced my heart with peace and joy at the overwhelming truth that He is always faithful. 

Stubborn Love by The Lumineers. It was by this song that I fell head over heels in love with the band. My sister, Allison, introduced them to me back in September. This past February I saw them live with my sister, cousin and her husband. They were superb.

Mountain Sound by Of Monsters and Men. My sisters have good taste in music, apparently. My younger sis Leesha introduced me to the band. I'm hooked, people. I don't know what it is. Their unique sounds? His voice? Her voice? The fact that they're from Iceland? How cool! {no pun intended}. Or, that I get to see them play live in Philly in less than TWO WEEKS?! It could be all of the above.

Below My Feet by Mumford and Sons. Oh Mumford. How do I choose only one song? I'd have to say they are one of my most favorite bands ever. I mean they're on repeat. Like, all the time. And that voice?! Swoon. Call 2013 the year of concerts, because I also saw Mumford live this past March. If it's possible to sound just as good, if not better, live than on an the album, then this is the band. Twas a super fun concert. Side note: lead singer Marcus Mumford was born in 1987. Let that sink in, folks. I feel old.

 getting stoked for Mumford!

The Greatness of Our God by Hillsong. Another worship song that gets me right here{fist over heart}. Check out my bucket list and you will see that I hope to experience Hillsong live before I die. The lyrics in this song have encouraged my heart and faith over and over again. "Give me grace to see beyond this moment here. To believe that there is nothing left to fear..."

And there's a whole lot where that came from. I love music. Just ask Steve. Music is always playing.

{Tomorrow: on letting go}