Friday, May 17, 2013

day 17: my twenty year old self

Why this picture, you ask? It's not so much about the picture as it is the actual moment and time that it represents. Back to a time when life was more simple, and all we needed was love. ;) This picture was taken the day after we returned from our honeymoon. Dawww. We are opening wedding gifts at my parents house. I know, there's really nothing special about this picture. But, for starters it just brings back really REALLY happy memories. And that's why we take pictures in the first place, right? Also, my hair is long. I look super young{20 to be exact!}. I'm tan. Glowing, really. What's not to love?

Can I just point out that Steve has a calculator on his lap? That's my man!!

{Tomorrow: a childhood memory}


  1. Those are the best reasons for loving a photo. Great picture!

  2. Stopping by from the link up! Some of my best memories were from my first newlywed days, too :) And now that I think about it, I haven't had a great tan since...

  3. What on earth did he need a calculator for!?
