Saturday, May 4, 2013

day 4: favorite quote

My favorite quotes are found in God's Word. Why do I love them? It's because they are promises that I can hold onto when my heart is heavy. They bring comfort and encouragement when I feel like giving up. They are love letters from my heavenly Father to me.

It was too difficult to choose only here are a few of my favorites.

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*images via Pinterest

{Tomorrow: A profession of love}


  1. great portions of Scripture to encourage and bless. love you

  2. Thank you for sharing. These are great and were a blessing to me today!!!
    I also love the pictures you chose.

  3. I found you via the blog every day in May challenge and love the verses! Such encouragement! Thank you for sharing! I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog via bloglovin!

    - Tiffani

    1. Thanks Tiffani! I'm glad the verses were encouraging to you as well. Blogging every day has been a challenge, but it's been fun at the same time. Take care!
