Wednesday, May 22, 2013

day 20, 21, & 22

Today I’m going to play catch up. I’ve failed the "blog everyday in may" challenge, not once, but TWICE as of late. The OCD in me is fighting with everything it’s got to “fix” this. But, I’m going to cheat a little. Do three days in one.

Today I’m supposed to get up on my soap box and complain about something. Here is said complaint: we’ve been busy folks. Super. Busy. Hence the skipping day’s 20 and 21. You see, we are getting our home ready for the market{yikes!}. Our goal is to have it ready to show by the beginning of June. Now, I’m a pretty organized person. Or so I thought. Or so people told me. Then, I started to notice how much stuff we accumulated over the years {just under five to be exact} and I was just a tad embarrassed/mortified as we walked from room to room with our real estate agent, Shirley. Let’s just say our walk-in closet became a catch all for anything and everything. I can now say with head held high that our closet and the remainder of bathrooms and bedrooms have been de-cluttered, organized, and minimized. Next up…kitchen. Not looking forward to that. So what exactly am I complaining about? Life is demanding. It’s busy. Husbands are traveling weeks on end for business. Friends and their three kids under the age of eight visited. Back splash for the kitchen is being shopped for. Kitchen faucets are being replaced. Wives are having mental breakdowns. You know, good stuff. Just a lot. When it rains it pours they say. This is how my May feels. I thought May was supposed to bring flowers, not MORE rain! Again, I’m not complaining. It’s just mayhem. Therefore, no time for blogging. Will you forgive me?

That brings me to day 20. Write about something you’re struggling with right now. I debated writing about this, but thought I’d give myself and my readers a little break from hearing about that. Instead, a struggle right now is NOT HAVING ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY{see paragraph above}. It’s true. Like I said, this past weekend we hosted our dearest friends, who now live in Albania, for the weekend. They are in the states for a wedding. It was wonderful and crazy and fun and exhausting all at the same time. So, house prepping/blogging/sleeping was put on hold. Steve has a cold now. We’ve been going to bed by 8:00 that past two nights. Trying to play catch up with our energy and sanity. That’s what happens when you're not used to having five extra people in your home. That’s what happens when you stay up past 1 am three nights in a row all in an effort to savor all the time you can get with your best friends before you have to say goodbye again. It was all worth it.

Day 21. Some of my favorite posts that I’ve written thus far. I’ve only been blogging for less than two months. So, I don't have a huge selection to choose from. Here they are:

What keeps me up at night. This is my fourth post ever. I think it's funny. I'm proud of it. Who wouldn't love reading about all the crazy stuff my husband does in his sleep?

Learning how to breath again. It wasn't easy writing about my miscarriage. But, at the same time, it was very freeing and therapeutic to write down my feelings and process what happened. I received a lot of feedback after writing this post, and it has encouraged my heart in many ways.

On Goldendoodles. I just had to choose a post from the "blog every day in may" challenge. I've been told this post made people laugh. I think it was a creative way to write about something I'm good at. I'm a doodle expert!

And so concludes day's 20, 21, and 22 of the challenge.

*Warning: don't be surprised if I skip a day here and there and have to play catch up again. I'm on a timeline people!

{Tomorrow: what life has taught me}


  1. Well done! And welcome back! ;)

  2. Is the golden doodle pooping for sale as well?

  3. Heck yea it was all worth it!! :) We've still got over a week before we get to catch up on sleep ;) Love seeing the sign in front of the house. Love you and already miss you more than I can put into words! Thank you for being a wonderful hostess!
