Thursday, May 23, 2013

day 23: a lesson learned

Sometimes, you just gotta learn the hard way. No matter what people advise you to do or not do, lessons in life are often learned by going with your gut instinct, which sometimes results in making mistakes. For example, my dog … I wouldn’t call him a mistake per say, but a stubborn rash decision, perhaps? You know, they just don’t teach you the ins and outs of dog ownership in school. They should. I admit, I should’ve just listened to my husband. He was against the whole idea. But, I begged and pleaded and convinced him to “just look” at a litter of goldendoodle puppies. I knew what I was doing, people. I knew as soon as he laid eyes on the nine pound fur ball he couldn’t say no.  And so, we bought a puppy. Was I ever in for a shock! Dogs are a lot of work. We didn’t factor in {I was in denial} things like: make sure we were home to give him a potty break; spend thousands of dollars on vet care; have damage done to our home and other household belongings; BARKING; muddy paws; and the list goes on…

I will say dog ownership has taught us responsibility in caring for another living thing. It has also taught us that we will never get a dog again. We’ve learned our lesson.  Jake will  be our first and our last.

*Jake, if you're reading this please know mommy and daddy love you not matter what.

{Tomorrow: my worst traits} 


  1. look how cute he was, he is still a good boy :)

  2. I have learned to Never say "Never".

    When you have a child that begs & pleads to have a puppy, you will likely change your mind (or simply forget all the negatives of dog ownership & remember only the positives). <3
