Monday, December 16, 2013

Where I host my first ugly Christmas sweater party

Our young married couples group at church had our first {annual?} ugly sweater Christmas party. And being the proud new home owner that I am was chomping at the bit to play hostess. Due to the fact that winter decided to show up early in full force we had to cancel. Miraculously, almost everyone could still make it when we rescheduled a week later.

Now not everyone chose to participate, but most did and it was entertaining to see what ugly sweaters walked through my front door.

I'm proud to say I won ugliest sweater for the girls. I also won the Christmas movie trivia game...what can I say? Who likes loves Christmas movies and has two thumbs? This girl.

Jake won categories for ugliest turtle neck and most photogenic pup. In my book he also wins cutest dog award, but as his mom I may be partial. Also, check out my red lipstick! An ugly Christmas sweater party was the perfect opportunity to test the lipstick wearing waters. What do you think? Initially I felt absolutely ridiculous, but it grew on me.

Mom and I rocking our vests. Steve rocking his buck sweater... mullet not included.

Ugliest sweater winner for the guys goes to Justin...because it's really a women's sweater and it has shoulder pads.
Most creative sweater goes to Ben! It wasn't a category to vote for, but I say it's creative. It's still up for debate who exactly the character represents on his it Moses? Joseph? Jake didn't care who it was supposed to be, he saw it as a toy and a tug of war match ensued between he and Ben's sweater.

Two other couples opted out of the contest, as well as my dad. Party poopers. Just kidding! I meant to take more know how that goes. Must have been too busy playing hostess. My parents are the leaders of our young married couples group, just in case your were wondering why they were there, being that they're not in fact a 'young' married couple. ;)

I couldn't be more proud to be friends with such great couples. They are some of the kindest and most fun people I know. I'm thankful for my church family. I'm blessed to belong to such an accepting and caring body of believers.

"Just as our bodies have many parts and each part has a special function,  so it is with Christ’s body. We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other." Romans 12:4-5
Nine days until Christmas! I'm sorry, I just can't help myself. I'll be counting down on le blog from now until Christmas. It came so fast this year. Am I right?


  1. Not gonna lie, your lipstick was the first thing I noticed. Love it! ;)

  2. Love the lipstick! You do have a great looking pup too. :) Christmas does seem like it is coming really fast this year.

  3. Looks fun! I've been dying to have an ugly sweater party. Don't think we'll get around to it this year though:(
