Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Happy birthday, Love

A post dedicated to my husband on his birthday.

I've celebrated 11 of your birthdays with you. I remember when you turned 18. We were only dating a month and I thought you were SO cool...officially an "adult"! Little did we know life together as we knew it back in 2003 was just beginning. Little did we know how much life was before us.

This year, you will become a daddy. And just when I think I can't love you any more than I already do, I imagine you holding our little girl and I think my heart just might burst with joy and adoration. If our daughter even gets just a taste of the love that you've shown me she will be greatly blessed, indeed. We are so lucky to have you! I don't thank God enough for you and who you have become. I just know, although not perfect, your selflessness and tender heart will make you one of the best daddy's in the whole world. Cue blowing nose and wiping tears. 

I hope that this 29th year of your life is one of the best yet. I hope you get lots of rocket building and launches in, and that you don't work too hard in our new back yard. I hope you remember how much I appreciate how hard you work for us, and that your quirky sense of humor and sometime nerdy {although adorable} mannerisms always bring a smile to my face.

Happy birthday, Love.

Easter 2014

I hope I didn't embarrass you too much! I just don't brag about how wonderful you are nearly enough. ;)

Now let's go out and celebrate!


1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday scoops!! I love old photos. And blog posts.
