Wednesday, April 24, 2013


I recently found out that April 21-27 is NIAW{National Infertility Awareness Week}. You can read more about it here. I also stumbled across a blog called A Royal Daughter that has really inspired me to share my journey with you all. For the past four years, she too has been suffering through the journey of infertility. Her blog will be dedicated to infertility awareness for the entire week. It's her hope to offer encouragement and helpful resources for couples facing infertility, as well as for friends and family members of the infertile couple. I highly recommend you take the time to read through it. I know that my heart has already been encouraged by it.

A few facts about infertility: {taken from Amanda's blog}
  • Approximately 1 in 6 couples in the United States are diagnosed with some degree of infertility each year. 
  • "Infertility" defines the inability to conceive a child after one year of unprotected, well-timed intercourse for women under the age of 35. Women 35 and older may be diagnosed after 6 months of unprotected, well-timed intercourse without conception. (The inability to sustain a pregnancy beyond 20 weeks is also classified as "infertility.")
  • 30% of infertility is the result of an ovulatory dysfunction (i.e. there is a problem with the woman's ovulation cycle).
  • 30% of infertility is the result of a problem with the man (i.e. sperm structure or production).
  • Women who face infertility often describe their situation as "lonely," "isolating," and "painful."
  • There is a large spectrum of treatments for infertility, with varying degrees of invasiveness and cost.

By sharing my story, I hope in some way that I can help or encourage those who are or know someone dealing with the pain and loneliness of infertility. You are not alone.


  1. That is so true. I think it's great you are putting this out there. I wish I had more support when I was going through it. You will help people.

  2. Hi Holly,

    I just wanted to say "hi" and thank you so much for sharing my story about infertility. I'm so glad women are opening up about this struggle, and offering hope and encouragement to others who are facing the same struggle.

    Be blessed.

    1. Hi Amanda! Your blog and posts about infertility have been such an inspiration and encouragement to me already! Thank you for being willing to share and raise awareness. There's comfort in knowing we are not alone.
