Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Remember me?

To be quite honest I feel like my creativity/writing juices have all but about dried up as of late. Hence the two plus month blogging hiatus! You see, life has been, well...how do I put this? It has been crazy. There's been a lot on my plate. When it rains it pours. Put one foot in front of the other. Etc etc. Any other cliches you can think of? Add here. In other words, I've been exhausted emotionally and mentally {more on that another time}. Quite frankly, blogging was at the bottom of the priority list. It IS just a hobby after all. But, when you feel like you're in survival mode, hobbies get pushed aside. Am I right? Or, am I right?

I digress.

Today is my birthday! And in two days it's Thanksgiving. 'Tis the season! So I thought I'd wrap up this post  by being grateful and giving thanks.

Side note: I felt this picture was blog worthy because even though I am now 27, I am obviously still cool and trendy. I mean, check out those leggings! Also, my post needed some pictures, and well, this was the most recent picture I took of  myself on my phone. As you can see, I live a very exciting life.

I have so much to be thankful for. I could go on and on. I want to say that even though life just plain sucks sometimes, my heart is also full at the same time. I can't help but hum to myself the classic hymn..."count your blessings name them one by one..." as I'm writing this. I think we all need to get into the practice of doing this. It helps, honest! It helps even when circumstances are less than ideal. It helps when you don't want to get out of bed and face reality. It helps when you longingly look at another persons life, wishing you had what they have. I can honestly say I am in a better mood when I focus on the good rather than the bad. This is no new theory, just a great reminder for us all as Thanksgiving approaches.

I am thankful for my family. This is a nobrainer! Thank you, Lord.

I am thankful for my naughty, silly goldendoodle, Jake. Because he's a good snuggler and keeps a girl company.

I am thankful for my new house. Because it just fell into place so perfectly that I knew it was all Him!

I am thankful for the Peace that passes all understanding. Because when the storm rages all around me, He calms me with His presence.

I am thankful for my friends. Because they encourage my heart and make me laugh.

I am thankful for my dear sweet Steve. Because he's taking me to dinner in 30 minutes and is willing to watch movies with me that he doesn't really care for {ahem, Hunger Games}. Yay! ;)

And on that note...I'm outta here! I hope to get back into writing more regularly but no guarantees! After all, it's the holidays!


  1. Happy Birthday Holly.... I understand your post completely.... And I'm praying with ya!!! Let's do dinner again sometime soon!

  2. Happy Birthday Holly.... I understand your post completely.... And I'm praying with ya!!! Let's do dinner again sometime soon!

  3. Welcome back and happy birthday!!!
