Thursday, September 26, 2013

I'll be back

Insert Arnold Schwarzenegger voice here.

It's been crazy busy. But, I wanted to let all yous{yes that's a grammar error, and yes I'm from Lancaster county. #dutchy} know that I will in fact be back. Give me a couple of days. Say, like, the beginning of October! 

Reasons for the temporary absence:

-we moved 

-we unpacked and set up new house

-we went on vacation

-we are planning a huge party for this weekend(eek!) at said new house. 

=Hollys brain turned to mush

So get ready my friends! There's much to catch you up on. 

Such as...

I thought I'd end this post with you longing for more. Admit it, the conglomeration of photos above have you a bit confused. As you can see, my blogging skillz have gotten a bit rusty.  Cut me some slack, will you? Also, she made me do it. And there's always the wine to blame.


  1. We once pranked my dad using and Arnold switchboard we found online. It was hilarious.
