Tuesday, May 7, 2013

day 7: fears

Some of my biggest fears are like most peoples I'm sure. I fear losing. I fear losing my husband. I fear losing my mom{or a loved one} to cancer. I fear losing my battle with infertility and ending up with arms and heart empty. 

But, I don't want to focus on the fears. There is hope. There is always hope. I can't help but share with you some verses that encourage me and address fear. I hope they are as encouraging to you as they are for me. If you haven't noticed, I just love God's Word! :)

Hebrews 13:5-6--much needed in a time like this... 

Romans 8:38-39 (MSG)  absolutely nothing can get between us and God's love. 

... But you have received the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, Abba Father.

"When I am afraid,  I will put my trust in You.  In God, whose word I praise,  In God I have put my trust;  I shall not be afraid.  What can mere man do to me?"  Psalm 56:3-4, (NASB).  Cross references:    Psalm 56:3 : Ps 55:4, 5  Psalm 56:3 : Ps 11:1  Psalm 56:4 : Ps 56:10, 11  Psalm 56:4 : Ps 118:6; Heb 13:6

"Don't panic." - Isaiah 41:10,13.     I will strengthen thee; with strength in their souls, to perform duties, exercise grace, withstand corruptions, resist temptations, bear afflictions, suffer persecutions, and do their generation work, according to the will of God; and if God is the strength of his people, they need not be afraid of any persons or things, Psalm 27:1    Love this 

*images via Pinterest

{Tomorrow: A piece of advice}

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