Friday, April 19, 2013

what keeps me up at night

I've always been a light sleeper. I'm also a fan dependent sleeper. Since I can remember I've had a fan in my bedroom. Steve blames me for turning HIM into a fan sleeper. I'm not feeling sorry. He falls asleep within minutes! Not fair.

The man likes to sleep. This is no secret to those close to him. On a Sunday afternoon, he savors the feeling of carpet against his cheek. If there's a fireplace near by? Forget it. He's out. My parents living room has carpet AND a fireplace. Add the back ground noise of a football game on TV and you might as well say sayonara. It's the simple things in life, right?

Steve sleeping at my parents house

While I'm tossing and turning, I will on occasion get to experience a bout of night terrors/sleep talking from the husband. These sleep habits apparently run in the Olsen blood. My sister in law, Laurie, can attest to this. {click here to check out her blog}

These incidences include but are not limited to:

::gets clothes from the dresser drawer to dress for work. at 11:30 pm. I calmly tell him it's not time yet, and he crawls back under the covers. snoring ensues.

::fiddles with radio alarm clock. buttons are being pushed frantically. music is being played. never once awakens.

::takes bed side table lamp. holds said lamp over wife's head. wife yells at husband. husband places lamp down all while remaining in slumber land. wife nearly has heart attack.

::and my all time favorite. wakes up in a cold sweat, sits straight up in bed, and in confusion cries out "where the hell am I?!" my husband RARELY curses. he was legitimately concerned for his well being, bless his heart.

{might I add he does not recall any of these incidences in the morning}

Stay tuned for more.

Steve sleeping on a plane

Steve sleeping poolside. In Bermuda. Rough life.

Steve sleeping in Jamaica. Circa 2005.  

 Jake, my dog. 

He likes to sleep too. 

These two make me smile.


  1. I kept chuckling reading this. I have seen more pictures of Steve sleeping on the floor than of my own kids. Ok exaggeration. Also loved random inclusion of dog.

  2. I totally get this! My husband tells everyone I slept through our honeymoon! =)
